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    Deadline for submission: April 15th, 2024

    Acceptances: May 1st, 2024

    Deadline for early bird registration: May 15th, 2024



    Main Schedule:


    - March 8: Call academic submissions, creative works, workshops and satellite events
    - April 15: creative works and academic submissions deadline
    - April 15 to 30: reviews by the International Program Committee and Art Jury
    - May 1: notification of acceptance
    - May 1 to 15: Early bird Registration
    - May 1 to 31: Accommodation booking at SIVA’s hotel
    - May 15 to June 30: Registration
    - June 15 to 30: onsite organizing committee meetings
    - July 5, 6, and 7: Onsite conference and online and Satellite Events.




    *The Conference Chair and President of the Consciousness Reframed 2024 international conference, in conversation with the Program Committee and host institutions, can proceed with schedule and program adjustments. Schedule adjustment refers to any modifications and changes made to a given schedule after some issues have been revealed.


    Academic and Creative Program

    (To be revised and updated accordingly)


    Friday, July 5, 2024 


    Reception and onsite registration
    Opening session
    Opening Notes
    Keynote 1
    *Coffee break
    Papers sessions
    Poster sessions
    Early Afternoon:
    Keynote 2:
    Opening of the twenty-four-hour telematic gathering welcoming the Satellite Events’ hosts.
    Papers sessions
    Poster sessions
    *Coffee break
    Late Afternoon:
    Papers sessions
    Poster sessions
    Opening reception of the on-campus in-door and outdoor performances

    Saturday, July 6, 2024 


    Opening Notes
    Keynote 3
    *Coffee break
    Papers sessions
    Poster sessions
    Early Afternoon:
    Keynote 4:
    Papers sessions
    Poster sessions
    *Coffee break
    Late Afternoon:
    Papers sessions
    Poster sessions
    Opening reception of the on-campus art exhibition



    Sunday, July 7, 2024 



    Opening Notes

    Keynote 5

    *Coffee break

    Papers sessions

    Poster sessions



    Early Afternoon:

    Closing ceremony:

    - Roy Ascott

    - Clarissa Ribeiro

    - SIVA’s Presidents

    - DeTAo’s President

    Staged Performances (DeTAO/SIVA’s students and delegates)

    Late Afternoon:

    Opening reception of the exhibition in downtown Shanghai


    Live Performances at ‘The System’ club in downtown Shanghai


     Satellite Events


    Onsite in locations TBA all over the world hosting satellite events that will be streamed online in a twenty-four-hour event from 2:30 pm (UTC+8 hours) July 5, 2024, to 2:30 pm (UTC+8 hours) July 6, 2024.